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Update: Before using this library, see PHP Excel that has support for more recent formats of XLS and Office 2007′s xlsx format.

Quick post to consolidate information around the net. Installing this package is not as straight forward as most, as it’s in the beta channel.

$ pear install ---onlyreqdeps Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
Failed to download pear/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 0.9.1, stability "beta", use "channel://pear.php.net/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1" to install
Cannot initialize 'channel://pear.php.net/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer', invalid or missing package file
Package "channel://pear.php.net/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer" is not valid
install failed


$ pear config-set preferred_state beta
$ sudo pear install ---onlyreqdeps Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

Include the onlyreqdeps switch so that the dependency package PEAR OLE is installed.


Solow // 07.Dec.2010 // 19:28

This is not good. Why dont you explain it in steps ? like Step 1: do pear install or upgrade Step 2: …

anonArmy // 05.Aug.2011 // 11:19

Thank you.. saved my company 200 $ in lost productivity!

vs // 04.Dec.2012 // 14:46

“sudo pear install —onlyreqdeps” has one ‘-’ too much and will fail if typed as is.

JeffD // 30.May.2013 // 07:43

ThankYou, very usefull :)

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