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Fled the nest

posted 2007 // Uncategorized // 0

This post is somewhat overdue since I’ve never been so busy. I don’t post much in the way of personal happenings on here but it’s not every month you move out of home.

It’s been a long time coming, and for years I swore to myself I’d always buy and never rent a property, but since no one really has any idea if house prices will keep going up or crash, I bit the bullet and moved into rented accommodation with a friend on March 1st!

It’s a nice feeling to have your own place, even if I don’t actually own it. Right now I can’t actually envisage getting the free time I had back. Hopefully in a month or two I’ll have sorted things out and got into some kind of routine.

I write this sitting on the floor at the end of my mattress while I wait for my new desk and bed to arrive (several weeks away, sigh).

I do have a couple of posts saved in drafts but I’ve spent more time washing up in recent weeks than I have on my PC. What time I do have I’m trying to spend revising for my Zend Certification which I’ve got to get around to taking, seeing as I paid for it last August!


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