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So I got XDebug working a couple of weekends ago. After much fun trying to install KCacheGrind on Fedora and setting up X forwarding to my Windows box I finally saw the fruits of my labour.

KCacheGrind on Windows via XMing

I was impressed with the call graph which shows the flow of execution. This is a framework I spent some time developing in April for a music store. I hope to make more use of this profiling at work some time.

Ironically just as I had got this working my Fedora install starts to play up. The filesystem would become read-only after several hours idling. Turns out a part of the filesystem was corrupt; I was constantly having to reboot and run fsck to correct these errors.

Fedora has been my distribution of choice for a couple of years but this is the second time I’ve had to wipe the drive due to disk errors. After re-partitioning, formatting and running check disk in Windows, the drive seemed completely healthy (most odd considering on boot it was reporting “S.M.A.R.T bad” errors). When re-formatting in Slackware and checking for bad sectors – none found! Strange, albeit good news, I guess.

Slackware has thrown me a few curve balls early on though (just getting vim working correctly!). I forgot to install atk, which appears to be a GNOME library (so much for a GNOME free system), and vi was symlinked to elvis (which from my brief experience seems horrible). Turns out Slackware is BSD init based not System V, meaning it doesn’t use the rc.1, rc.2 directories like Redhat etc. This was enough to trip me up when trying to install the mysql.server init.d script, easily solved though:

cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld


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